Sign of Postpartum Depression

Sign of postpartum depression

Sign of postpartum depression could be identified some time after the mother gave birth to a baby. Recognize and identify Sign of postpartum depression can be done through observation of the behavior of new mothers. If the mother showed the usual symptoms displayed by patients with postpartum depression, it can be ascertained that the mother is experiencing postpartum depression based on Sign of postpartum depression was displayed.

Childbearing is a special experience for a mother, especially for young mothers who first gave birth to a baby. Just before birth, many mixed feelings arise a mother who experienced moments of tense waiting for a baby for the first time. There is hope and joy but at the same time came the anxiety and fear.

We should not underestimate if the mother showed Sign of postpartum depression as postpartum depression however is a form of depression. We need to know that depression is not just feeling bad mood, sad, insecure, or lost interest in something, but more than that, depression is a serious disease that needs serious treatment. If not, worry about things that occurred was not expected.

Sign of postpartum depression are as follows:

  • want to hurt her baby
  • There is a desire to hurt yourself
  • Indifferent and not show interest in the new baby birth
  • Having feelings is not sure can be a mother to her baby
  • Have the feeling that he is not attractive

If there are signs so it should not be allowed, immediately take the mother went to the doctor. If it is not very possible the things that hurt his own mother and baby. Murder of a newborn child or a mother who does not care for abandoned babies and could be an example of the Sign of postpartum depression experienced by mothers but not immediately addressed.

If postpartum depression is left without proper treatment then the patient will feel guilty, lose confidence. These negative feelings can make the suffering experienced by the mother is getting worse. Moreover, postpartum depression will affect infant development. At worst experienced by the baby is a baby will experience delays in physical and mental development.

If there is Sign of postpartum depression in yourself, do not let the state of the uterus it occurs, immediately tell the people closest to you so that you can be dealt with and not bad for you and your baby at a later date. Want to know more about the Sign of postpartum depression click the sign of postpartum depression

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